Date & Time

Sept. 18 - 19


National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium

The Student Oceans Conference is an intensive two-day watershed workshop held at the National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium (NMRMA), throughout Dubuque County, and on the Mississippi River. This workshop is designed to inspire a watershed stewardship ethic in students and build upon their confidence and individual environmental literacies.

Join the NMRMA and our many conservation partners in having fun while learning how you and your students can be part of the solution to improving the health of our nation’s waters.

Detailed agenda will be available August 2024 - The conference will include field trips to see soil and water conservation “Best Management Practices” on area farms and watersheds. Students and teachers will stay overnight at the National Mississippi River & Aquarium in Dubuque and sleep amongst the fish. Meals will be provided.

Free! | For High School Students

Each school can bring up to 10 students. Maximum 50 participants.

To reserve your spot, contact!