The National Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium received grant support from Silos & Smokestacks National Heritage Area (SSNHA) for a summer intern to assist with the organization’s Watershed CAARE (Conservation Action through Advocacy, Research and Engagement) program. The summer Conservation Intern will work on a team to develop, deliver, and evaluate new conservation education programs aimed to elevate visitor understanding of— and promote stewardship of— the Upper Mississippi River Watershed. SSNHA is a division of the National Park Service.

“This additional support allows us to look at conservation needs in our area and how we can strengthen our messaging to our guests and area landowners,” said Codi Sharkey, Conservation Programs Manager at the River Museum. “With a focus on wetland and prairie restoration, we hope to develop programs that target those areas of concern and broaden what it means to be stewards of the river through education and scientific communication.  I am grateful for this opportunity to work with someone with enthusiasm and eagerness to learn.”

These programs will provide a greater understanding of the Upper Mississippi River Watershed, help visitors make direct connections to their individual impact on the watershed, and provide actionable solutions and best practices to employ in their personal land and water stewardship. Programs will include both immersive and interpretive learning and will create active educational programs for 3 outdoor exhibits that currently operate as passive self-guided tour and/or staff research sites.

The Watershed CAARE programs and interpretation developed by this project will provide visitors with a greater understanding of the interconnectivity of the ecosystems of the Upper Mississippi River Watershed, wetlands, river channels, tributaries, and domestic land and farmland that provide habitat for countless wildlife. The programs will also convey the impact that domestic and agricultural practices have on these habitats that make up one of the largest and most productive wetland ecosystems in North America.

Watershed CAARE programs will be developed around three outdoor exhibits including the Glab Family Greenhouse, which highlights native species, the Wetlands, and the Mussel Dock, home to the River Museum’s freshwater mussels recovery project.

Owen Wells, a senior geology major at Saint Norbert College, is the recipient of the SSNHA internship grant this summer. “Through my strong background in scouting, conservation, and field work skills, I hope to reciprocate my immense appreciation for this role,” said Wells.  “I hope to gain field experience and further my understanding of how different ecosystems function to better protect the environments of tomorrow.”  

The River Museum is one of 110 SSNHA partner sites and is one of 62 federally designated heritage areas in the nation. A National Heritage Area is a region that has been recognized by the United States Congress for its unique qualities and resources. The goal of the SSNHA Intern Grant is to help partner sites to expand their agricultural heritage story, provide valuable experience for college students, and for the intern to bring their unique experience to the site. The Internship Program Award fund up to 75% of the wage of a college summer intern and is available to any designated heritage area site.

For more information about SSNHA, visit